"Your Link To Functional Nutrition"

 At Birota Foods, we blend the realms of science, culinary artistry, and nutrition to create the most exceptional products. Our team of innovative scientists and skilled chefs work hand in hand, employing cutting-edge techniques to develop food products that surpass expectations. Through scientific research, we analyze the nutritional composition of ingredients, ensuring our products are wholesome and well-balanced. We harness the power of culinary creativity, using flavors, spices, and textures to craft delicious offerings that tantalize the palate. Emphasizing nutrition, we prioritize the selection of wholesome, local, and sustainably sourced ingredients. Our unwavering commitment to excellence in science, culinary expertise, and nutrition establishes Birota Foods as the premier choice for those seeking the finest food products available.


Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT's) are powerful fats that have great benefits for the mind and body. MCT's are not stored in your fat cells but instead are converted to ketones. Ketones are substances created when the body breaks down fat for energy and are ideal forms of energy for the mitochondria (where energy production happens). During utilization, ketones produce fewer free radicals than do sugars. Interestingly, ketones can cross the blood brain barrier and provide instant energy to the brain.

There are four different triglycerides in the MCT family with differing numbers of carbon (C) molecules: C6, C8, C10, and C12. Caprylic Acid (C8) is superior in raising ketones, providing energy to the brain and muscles and teaching the body to burn fat more efficiently.

Most MCT's are a combination of C8 and C10, which doesn't provide the same ketone raising response as does using only C8. The result - lower fat burning. This is why we choose to use only C8, caprylic acid, in our products and not MCT's.

The best part is that you don't have to already be in ketosis or following a ketogenic diet to reap the benefits of enhanced fat burning. Consuming caprylic acid raises ketones and helps your body burn more fat no matter what type of diet you follow.


Physical and cognitive benefits

We use goMCT™ caprylic acid powder in our products because it fuels the body and the brain with healthy fats for natural and sustained energy without a blood sugar crash later. Caprylic acid has been shown to have positive effects on cognitive performance and in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

Cognitive performance aside, caprylic acid powder is great to use for anyone with the following goals: weight loss, increased energy, improved athletic performance and overall well-being. It will help you feel more alert, aware and focused. Athletes of all ages, busy professionals and on-the-go moms and dads will benefit from using Smart Cocoa and Smart Coconut Creamer daily.


Why powder and not oil?

The powder form of MCT's has a number of advantages over liquid MCT oil. Specifically, MCT powder is great for baking, is easy to travel with, and is smoother on the digestive system.


Why is our C8 Powder the best?

Not all MCT's are created equal. Many inferior MCT products will add as much as 50% of C12 in their mix. And remember, the number of carbons in MCT's matters. While technically a MCT, C12 responds in the body like a long chain fat and doesn't reap the benefits of the other MCT's. And you know what? It doesn't raise ketone levels so it won't actually help the body burn more fat, just store it.

Caprylic acid, C8, is superior. That's why we use it in our products. Ingredients matter.

Common MCT powders will also use maltodextrin or milk based substances as binders. Not our caprylic acid powder! Ours uses 4.5 grams of pre-biotic acacia fiber per serving to help improve gut health. The gut microbiome is very important in promoting optimal health and supporting athletic performance and the acacia fiber found in our caprylic acid powder will support a healthy gut.

So, at the end of the day, be confident that the caprylic acid powder in our Smart Cocoa and Smart Coconut Creamer, along with our other top notch ingredients, will support your health, microbiome and athletic performance much better than any other cocoa or creamer product on the market!



D-Ribose: The Key to Sustainable Energy and Stable Blood Sugar Levels
Are you tired of experiencing energy crashes throughout the day? Do you struggle with maintaining stable blood sugar levels? Look no further than D-ribose, a remarkable sugar molecule that holds the key to unlocking sustained energy and blood sugar balance.
1. Energize your body: D-ribose plays a crucial role in cellular energy production. As a key component of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main energy molecule in our bodies, D-ribose ensures the continuous fueling of our cells, providing the energy needed for optimal body function. By supplementing with D-ribose, you can enhance your body's ability to produce ATP for stamina and endurance.
2. Regulate blood sugar levels: Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential for overall well-being. D-ribose offers a unique advantage in this regard. D-ribose is a pentose saccharide with the unique ability to decrease vs increase blood sugar as compared to other sugars. This means the D-ribose prevents spikes and crashes, providing a steady supply of energy throughout the day. Found in most of Birota Foods’ products, D-ribose can help reducing the risk of energy slumps and promoting sustained vitality.
3. Pentose phosphate pathway: A metabolic powerhouse: D-ribose is a building block for the specialized biochemical pathway known as the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). This pathway has multiple essential roles within our bodies, including antioxidant defense and the synthesis of vital molecules like nucleotides and amino acids. By promoting the proper functioning of the PPP, D-ribose indirectly boosts the overall health of our cells, leading to improved energy production and metabolic stability.
4. Enhanced exercise recovery: Whether you are an athlete or simply enjoy an active lifestyle, D-ribose can assist in post-workout recovery. Intense exercise can deplete ATP stores in muscles, causing fatigue and prolonged recovery periods. Birota Foods products containing D-ribose help to replenish ATP levels more rapidly, leading to faster recovery and reduced muscle soreness. By utilizing this natural molecule, you can bounce back from your workouts more quickly, enabling you to pursue your fitness goals with greater enthusiasm.

about coffeeberry

What is Coffeeberry?

While coffee beans have enjoyed the limelight for centuries, it's time to shed some light on their lesser-known companion – the Coffeeberry. Coffeeberry is the often-overlooked fruit surrounding the coffee bean which is typically discarded during the coffee-making process. However, this precious fruit is a nutritional powerhouse waiting to be discovered.

Energize and Invigorate

Coffeeberry presents a natural and sustainable alternative to traditional coffee. Found in Smart Cocoa Kick, you can experience a refreshing stable source of energy, thanks to its stimulating qualities. Unlike traditional coffee that often leads to jitters and crashes, Coffeeberry provides a sustained energy boost, keeping you focused and alert without the unwanted side effects.

Superior Brain Health

Your brain deserves the best, and Coffeeberry delivers. With its abundant supply of polyphenols and neuroprotective compounds, this superfood has been shown to enhance cognitive function and improve memory. Coffeeberry's natural antioxidants include chlorogenic acid which has been widely recognized for its potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants play a vital role in neutralizing harmful free radicals in our bodies, protecting us against oxidative stress and potential damage to our cells.

Ethical and Sustainable

What makes Coffeeberry even more appealing is its sustainable nature. Upcycling this marvelous fruit helps reduce waste in the coffee industry, which is crucial in today's environmentally conscious world. By giving Coffeeberry a second life as an upcycled superstar, we can make a small but significant impact on reducing food waste and promoting sustainable practices. It's a win-win situation for both your health and the planet!